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Superlative dan Comparative Adjective : Visitpare.Com

Superlative dan Comparative Adjective
Terdapat dua adjective yang bisa kalian gunakan untuk membandingkan sesuatu. Dua adjective tersebut antara lain:

1. Comparative Adjective
Comparative adjective merupakan sebuah kata sifat yang digunakan untuk membandingkan dua orang, hewan, tempat, maupun suatu hal. Terdapat empat jenis comparative adjective, yaitu:

a. Progessive degree

Progressive degree digunakan untuk membandingkan dua orang, tempat, hewan ataupun suatu hal yang menunjukkan sebuah kemajuan atau kemunduran dari adjective ataupun adverb yang dibandingkan.

Kata yang digunakan dalam progressive degree yaitu “more” dan “adjective+er”.

Adjectives Progressive Degree Sentences Examples
Thorough More He seemed to be more thorough when he drew the details.
Fast, soon Faster, sooner The faster you do it, the sooner we can get home.
Beautiful More This place would be more beautiful if we came in real life.
Old Older He’s older but his actions still like a child.
b. Equality degree

Equality degree merupakan jenis comparative yang membandingkan dua orang, benda, tempat, hewan, ataupun suatu hal yang memiliki kesetaraan, baik secara kualitas, kedudukan, dan lainnya.

Equality degree biasa ditandai dengan penggunaan “as … as” untuk perbandingannya.

Adjectives Equality Degree Sentences Examples
Big As … as This amusement park was as big as the other one in Bandung that we visited last week.
Smart As … as I’m impressed that your little brother was as smart as you.
Tall As … as I think Rini was as tall as Rino.
Good As … as This cake taste was as good as the cake that my mom usually made for me.
c. Inequality degree

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Inequality degree merupakan kebalikan dari equality degree, dimana inequality degree ini digunakan untuk membandingkan dua orang, hewan, tempat, benda, maupun suatu hal yang tidak setara atau bertolak belakang.

Inequality degree biasa ditandai dengan penggunaan “not as … as”.


Adjectives Inequality Degree Sentences Examples
Scary Not as … as This haunted house was not as scary as the haunted house in Malang.
Nice Not as … as She’s not as nice as what people think she is.
Bad Not as … as I think your cooking was not as bad as mine.
Smart Not as … as I’m not as smart as you.
d. Parallel degree

Parallel degree digunakan untuk membandingkan kuantitas atau kualitas dari dua orang, benda, hewan, tempat, ataupun suatu hal yang meningkat ataupun menurun pada satu waktu yang bersamaan.

Penggunaan parallel degree biasa dihubungkan dengan “adjective+er and adjective+er”.

Adjectives Parallel Degree Sentences Examples
Fast Faster and faster He’s getting faster and faster as days pass.
Good Better and better Your artworks are getting better and better.
Selain empat jenis di atas, comparative juga bisa ditemukan dengan penggunaan kata “than” sebagai pembanding dari kedua adjective ataupun adverb yang sedang dibandingkan. Contoh penggunaan “than” dalam comparative adjective yaitu:

Adjectives Comparative Adjectives Sentences Examples
Fast Than Yesterday, Mario did his job faster than Rio.
Good Than I can do it better than she did.
Pretty Than She’s prettier than the last time she’d come.

2. Superlative Adjective
Bila comparative membandingkan dua adjective atau adverb, maka superlative merupakan adjective yang digunakan untuk membandingkan lebih dari dua adverb maupun adjective.

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Biasanya, superlative digunakan untuk menerangkan tingkat atau posisi tertinggi dari suatu kelompok tertentu. Terdapat dua bentuk superlative adjective, yaitu:

a. Short adjective

Bentuk short adjective digunakan dengan penggunaan “-est” pada akhiran sebuah adjective. Contoh dari penggunaan short adjective yaitu:

Adjectives Short Adjectives Sentences Examples
Long Longest This is the longest street in this City.
Funny Funniest He was the funniest person I’ve ever meet.
Big Biggest I think, I’ve made the biggest decision in my life.
Strong Strongest He was the strongest player here.
Cute Cutest This pink teddy bear was the cutest doll that I have.
Young Youngest She was the youngest in our class.
Small Smallest Amoeba is the smallest animal in the world.
Hard Hardest The question number 5 is the hardest one in the chemistry exam today.

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